Two Lakes Dental - Niagara Falls

Night Guard in Niagara Falls

Shield your teeth from grinding, preventing enamel damage and reducing jaw discomfort, so you wake up feeling refreshed and pain-free.
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Say Goodbye to Teeth Grinding: The Benefits of Night Guards

A night guard is crucial for individuals grappling with teeth grinding, a condition medically termed as bruxism. This habitual grinding of teeth during sleep can wreak havoc on your dental health over time, leading to noticeable enamel wear, heightened tooth sensitivity, and potentially even fractures. Beyond dental concerns, bruxism often manifests in jaw pain, persistent headaches, and muscle tension, impacting overall comfort and well-being. Fortunately, a night guard serves as a protective shield, intercepting the abrasive contact between the upper and lower teeth. By forming a barrier, it effectively mitigates the risk of enamel damage and the discomfort associated with bruxism. Embracing the regular use of a night guard not only fosters better oral health but also provides relief from pain, facilitating a more rejuvenating and uninterrupted night’s sleep.

How to Get A Night Guard

Seeing a dentist for a night guard typically involves several steps to ensure that the guard fits well and addresses issues like teeth grinding (bruxism) or TMJ disorders. Here’s what you can expect during the process:


Consultation & Examination

During your consultation, your dentist will discuss your symptoms, like teeth grinding or jaw pain, and review your dental health history, including sleep habits and potential bruxism triggers. Following this, a comprehensive dental examination will assess the condition of your teeth, gums, and jaw, checking for signs of teeth grinding such as worn enamel or damaged teeth.


Impressions are taken using dental putty or digital scanning technology to create a mould for your custom night guard. Working with a dental lab, your dentist will fabricate the guard, and upon its completion, you’ll return for a fitting. During this fitting, your dentist will ensure the night guard fits securely and comfortably in your mouth.

Instructions & Follow Up

Following the fitting, your dentist will provide comprehensive instructions on wearing and caring for your night guard, including lifestyle tips to alleviate teeth grinding. Additionally, they may schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal symptom relief and protection.

Getting a night guard can be a straightforward process that offers significant relief from the discomfort and dental damage associated with teeth grinding. Regular communication and follow-up with your dentist will ensure that you get the most benefit from using a night guard.

How Much Is A Night Guard In Niagara?

The cost of a custom night guard can fluctuate based on individual needs and insurance coverage. On average, with insurance, it ranges between $100 to $300+, while without insurance, it typically falls between $650 to $750 and beyond.

Two primary factors influence the cost:

  1. Material: The type of material used for the night guard affects pricing.
  2. Orthodontic Considerations: Additional factors, such as ongoing orthodontic treatment, may influence the final cost.

Remember, receiving an accurate quote requires an in-person consultation and oral exam. Dental practices cannot provide precise estimates over the phone due to the unique nature of each patient’s needs. If you have dental insurance, we’re happy to provide a quote for submission to your provider to determine out-of-pocket expenses beforehand.

Contact us today

to schedule an initial consultation & exam.

Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.

Frequently Asked Questions

Night guards prevent wear and damage to teeth caused by bruxism, alleviate jaw pain, and promote better sleep.

Yes, there are custom-fit, boil-and-bite, and over-the-counter night guards, each offering varying levels of comfort and protection.

While a night guard can’t cure bruxism, it can significantly reduce its effects by preventing direct tooth-to-tooth contact.

Rinse your night guard with cool water after each use and brush it with a soft toothbrush and mild soap. Avoid hot water and abrasive cleaners to prevent damage.

Night guards can be beneficial for children who grind their teeth, but it’s essential to consult with a pediatric dentist for proper evaluation and recommendation.

Google Verified Patient Reviews

Krista Newton
1 week ago
I am so grateful for this team of compassionate and professional dentists and staff. After an unfortunate dental incident while on vacation in Niagara, they contacted me immediately with an appointment. Reception was lovely as well as the dental assistant and dentist who got right to work building me a new tooth. My treatment there saved the vacation! I feel very fortunate for their care ❤️
Maricruz Lencina
2 weeks ago
Always an amazing experience when it comes to Two lakes. Dr.Zapata and her team always make me feel at ease when I come in for my appointments! 10/10 recommended 🤩
Claudia García
3 weeks ago
We met this place 2 years ago. Something that attracted us was to know they also speak spanish, what make us feel more comfortable to understand all about the dental therms. I highly recommend them, there you find nice people, good service and great professionalls as Dr. Alexandra Zapata, who has a magical hands!
Anna Persia
1 month ago
Thank you, Rose 🌹 For all that you do, especially when I call in for an appointment you always get me in right away, and for always having a welcoming beautiful smile Thank you, Dr. Zapata I always found her to be very friendly and professional. 😊 Thank you to all the staff at Two Lakes for all your professionalism You're all amazing and so friendly 👏
Gerry Wissiak
1 month ago
I recently (again) was treated by Dr. Zapata and as always found her very friendly and professional. She always takes every precaution to make sure that her fillings (or anything else she does) fit properly and don't cause any discomfort. Even though going to the dentist is obviously not a very entertaining experience I never have to worry about experiencing pain.
Krista Newton
1 week ago
I am so grateful for this team of compassionate and professional dentists and staff. After an unfortunate dental incident while on vacation in Niagara, they contacted me immediately with an appointment. Reception was lovely as well as the dental assistant and dentist who got right to work building me a new tooth. My treatment there saved the vacation! I feel very fortunate for their care ❤️
Maricruz Lencina
2 weeks ago
Always an amazing experience when it comes to Two lakes. Dr.Zapata and her team always make me feel at ease when I come in for my appointments! 10/10 recommended 🤩
Claudia García
3 weeks ago
We met this place 2 years ago. Something that attracted us was to know they also speak spanish, what make us feel more comfortable to understand all about the dental therms. I highly recommend them, there you find nice people, good service and great professionalls as Dr. Alexandra Zapata, who has a magical hands!
Anna Persia
1 month ago
Thank you, Rose 🌹 For all that you do, especially when I call in for an appointment you always get me in right away, and for always having a welcoming beautiful smile Thank you, Dr. Zapata I always found her to be very friendly and professional. 😊 Thank you to all the staff at Two Lakes for all your professionalism You're all amazing and so friendly 👏
Gerry Wissiak
1 month ago
I recently (again) was treated by Dr. Zapata and as always found her very friendly and professional. She always takes every precaution to make sure that her fillings (or anything else she does) fit properly and don't cause any discomfort. Even though going to the dentist is obviously not a very entertaining experience I never have to worry about experiencing pain.
Two Lakes Dental - Niagara Falls

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